This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Intermediate Python for Astronomical Software Development: Software Documentation using Sphinx

What options do we have for software documentation

Using Sphinx

Sphinx is a tool for making HTML documentation (as well as documentation in EPUB, latex and many other formats) that can later be published on your web-site, on GitHub or on a documentation platform, such as Read the Docs.

Installing Sphinx

Sphinx installation instructions.

Install Sphinx using pip:

$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install sphinx
$ pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
$ pip install myst-parser
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt

Two other installations, sphinx_rtd_theme and myst-parser are packages for changing the appearance of the documentation site with the ‘Read the Docs’ theme and for using markdown formatting in the documentation.

Sphinx requires a specific folder structure. Create documents folder, go there and launch sphinx-quickstart wizaard

$ mkdir docs
$ cd docs
$ sphinx-quickstart --quiet --project=LCAnalyzer --author=alex -v 0.1
Finished: An initial directory structure has been created.

You should now populate your master file /mnt/Data/Work/GitHub/InterPython_Workshop_Example/docs/index.rst and create other documentation
source files. Use the Makefile to build the docs, like so:
   make builder
where "builder" is one of the supported builders, e.g. html, latex or linkcheck.

Launching sphinx this way we are telling it to skip most of the wizard questions (--quiet flag; in the most cases the default answers are the most suitable ones), and giving it only the bare minimum of information that Sphinx requires: the project name --project=LCAnalyzer, the name of the author (--author=alex) and the version of our software (-v 0.1).

As we execute this command, Sphinx creates a number of new files in the docs folder.

$ ls -l
total 10
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root   0 Jul  3 18:27 _build
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 965 Jul  3 18:27
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 446 Jul  3 18:27 index.rst
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 800 Jul  3 18:27 make.bat
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 634 Jul  3 18:27 Makefile
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root   0 Jul  3 18:27 _static
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root   0 Jul  3 18:27 _templates

The files that we are going to edit are and index.rst. Let’s start with the open it with your favorite text editor and have a look.

$ gedit

On the top of the file you will see the information you provided when creating the docs: the project name, author’s name and release version. If you made an error or want to change something, you can always do it here.

project = 'LCAnalyzer'
copyright = '2024, alex'
author = 'alex'

version = '0.1'
release = '0.1'

Below you will see an empty list called extensions. Extensions allow you to make more out of your documentation, some of them are built in, while others are developed by third parties.

We will use the following extensions:

The resulting extensions list will look like this:

extensions = ['sphinx_rtd_theme','myst_parser',

Finally, in we can change the appearance of our documentation site using themes. In you will find a line that states html_theme = 'alabaster'. You can change this parameter to any of the Sphinx built-in themes, listed here, however, we will use the common design theme is the one developed by ‘Read the Docs’, which is also a popular software documentation hosting:

html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"

At this point we can save the file and move to the documentation itself.

Creating documentation

In the docs/ directory we have an index.rst file. This file is the source code for rendering the index page of your future documentation website. It uses reStructuredText format (RST) which is similar to Markdown, but allows more formatting options. Here you can find cheat sheets for RST in general and Sphinx syntax in particular.

If we open the index.rst file with a text editor, we’ll see the following:

$ gedit index.rst
.. LCAnalyzer documentation master file, created by
   sphinx-quickstart on Wed Jun  5 18:27:53 2024.
   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
   contain the root `toctree` directive.

Welcome to LCAnalyzer's documentation!

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Contents:

Indices and tables

* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`

The structure of this file is like this: